Specializing in the design and delivery of transformative, experiential education.
Let me start by saying that David is one of the most powerful and effective...
Let me start by saying that David is one of the most powerful and effective social change educators I have ever had the pleasure to meet. His skills as a facilitator, mentor, leader, and role model are stellar. He is a master of group process and able to create the most incredible environments for learning and risk-taking. David holds a powerful, unique and varied skill set. The power of his work, however, lies in ability to walk his talk and integrate the pieces of his teachings into his day-to-day life. David is an original, in the truest sense of the word. He is a truth-speaker who possesses rock-solid integrity. At Anima Leadership, we have been so impressed by who he and what he does, that we offered him Associate status on our permanent team.