Specializing in the design and delivery of transformative, experiential education.


This section contains various media interviews with David Hatfield including articles he has authored.

The power of spontaneous, improvised singing

Apr 9, 2016

David Hatfield talks about the power of spontaneous, improvised singing. 

CBC Saskatoon visits a Singing Soul workshop

Apr 27, 2015

CBC Saskatoon visits a Singing Soul workshop to hear our sounds and thoughts on improvised singing.

TEDx Talk: Honoring and Working with Male Vulnerability

Jul 30, 2014

Many voices are calling for a new kind of 21st century masculinity. Yet in the face of persistent social expectations about male stoicism, accepting and integrating the vulnerabilities of boys and men remains a challenge for all genders. Learn three compassionate ways to encourage the boys and men you know to honor their full humanity, especially, their difficult emotions and uncertainties. 

Source: TEDxEdmonton

Banding Together to Help Boys into Manhood

Dec 20, 2013

We know there's something up with boys -- the alarms have been sounding for decades. Recognizing the trends, an increasing number of schools in the Lower Mainland are rolling up their sleeves to do something about it. Windermere Secondary School is the latest of a half dozen secondary schools in Vancouver to create a support group for male youth, called the Young Men's Group.

Source: The Tyee
Media: PDF icon the-tyee-boys-into-manhood.pdf
